Friday, September 28, 2012

Meteor Shower, stars shine stars

"Why ? What actually happen to us ?"
So yea, I posted on August 15 that hk trip post will come up soon right ? I felt sorry that I didn't even post up after like one month plus. So now, I'm gonna do a full post. Like not only the hk trip, I will be adding up lots of different event I attended this year. So let's start~ There will be tons of photos!!
So shall start from hk trip that I delay it for SO LONGGGGGGG~
The hk trip was somewhat like a walk and walk trip, not refering to shopping. Because we all took a coach from 乡下(countryside) town(which I can't remember where...) to Shenzhen which was super long actually.... As the coach that was going to fetch up, broke down even before it fetches us..... Funny much *serious face* Actually we thought it was a 3 hours journey but turn out that it's actually like 6 hours ? Something like that. Did I mention that we didn't flew straight to the 乡下(countryside) town, instead we actually flew to MACAU~ Then coach down to the countryside after we somewhat walk walk in macau, it's really like some "gambling" area as everywhere is casino. You wouldn't believe how close the casinos are, if you didn't see it with your own eyes. Back to the hk trip subject. We took a express train to hk from Shenzhen.
A photo of me inside the coach that is on the way to Shenzhen (I was dead bored)

So the first day in hk, I didn't shop much as it was already noon when we reach there. I went to buy jenny's cookies~
(I got no credits to this picture on top, I took it on google. All rights goes to owner.)
This cookies are really nice, but I wouldn't fly there just for this cookies. As after eating for a few pieces, I got tired or it. But would advise people to buy it, don't buy too much!! Because it's freshly bake, and doesn't contains preservative. So it will not last too long. To be true, it was quite costly for cookies like this. But yea, it's famous so costly should be reasonable ? This shop cause us some time searching for it. So it's dinner time~
Bittergroud with chicken ? I'm actually a fan of bittergroud, unbelieveble right ? ikr.. This was damn yum!

This was hmm, I don't know... Not bad either.

"Mum's noodle that was already eaten halfway."

My super yummy somewhat seafood baked rice.
We went to some sort of hk style café that you will see in hk dramas. The food was really nice, but we all think it's alittle bit too salty. I had something like baked rice, damn yum. All our food are like so yummy but salty, lol. Second day - we actually plan to go the theme park not disneyland, another one. Disneyland was too far, since we stay at Tsim Sha Tsui. So I say 'we actually plan' that's means, we didn't went in the end. If we didn't go to the theme park, where we went ? SHOPPING OF COURSE!!! Teeheehe~ But before that we went to a temple.
This is their train pass, single journey pass. Love it.

A random pic inside the train

Outside the temple

A pic of my chinese zodiac, PIGGY *winks*
Back to shopping subject, so I went to H&M etc etc stc. I bought a vest at H&M for like 3 or 2 sgd, it's for kids but still it's a steal! Isn't it ? And I bought a black framed spec there too, which I lost it during my recent genting trip. *burned up* Continue.... I bought a few pieces of clothes from other stores and I'm like so regret after I came back for not buying more. So I think that's all for hk trip, the third day we went for breakfast at our usual. Like the dim sum there were fabulous, I would say that restaurant "JJANG!!" then off to the airport by the bus that only goes to the airport. IT HAS WIFI ON THAT BUS, seriously the best thing ever!
Love the ambience there.

Waiting for food~

Food are here! YEA

Saw the four tarts there ? The one that looks like egg tarts. If you think they are egg tarts, you're wrong. They are MILK TARTS! I'm not a fan of egg tarts and doesn't like them after I turn 9 years old, I don't know why either. I only eat portuguese egg tarts now. So when I saw the menu, the picture of the milk tarts turn me off somehow but when I found out it's milk tarts. I totally demanded for it. It's was damn delicious, no joke. Like I will order it everytime.

This is zhu chang fen ? I don't know how to say it in english, really.... sorry. Inside this roll, there's prawns. You can choose the fillings inside, a few choices you have. But I simply love the prawn one, like super duper yum!!! Love it.
Took from my instagram: Magggdalene (FOLLOW ME!)
This is Hokkaido milk pudding with sesame paste on top and base. Looks great but didn't turn out really great but was not bad. So so only.
A just wake up me, there's like alot of yellow patches in this photo....  Lousy camera....

This is the camera, that I'm using the whole journey. The brand is Olympus... But most of the photos for hk trip were taken by my iPhone.
A random photo of me eating cheesecake in the hotel, lol
So hk trip ended here. Oh wait, I didn't mention where I stay at hk right ? I stayed at Panorama by Rhombus, it stated that it's a 4stars hotel. I love it there too but sadly, their Wifi is only usable at the lobby... But will advise people to stay there as the service was great, the enviroment, the facilities, the room, everything was great. And and and there's a skygarden on top but was too busy that I doesn't have time to go up. You can go to their website and view all the pictures of their hotel, very nice!! Hehehe, I'm not paid.
Let's move on, next is my cousin, Joanna wedding. It's quite long ago actually. Like march ? Whoops. Will be just photos and some captions.
The Arts House, which is the old parliament house.
Inside the old parliament house. Like you saw the gold plated tag above the seats ? Those are names, like those big people names. One of those, Lee Kuan Yew :)
My bro, Dominic~
Also my bro, Benendict~
Loves my cousin's wedding dress so much ;)
Look at that guy face, *laughs*
JJ couple, yea ?
They booked down the whole cafe, for guests to eat.
I find it super cute and took a photo of it, a married man or a married woman probably. LOL
Some graffiti
Love the decoration of their wedding car.
A extra shot of the view of MBS from the art house.
So that's all for morning/afternoon session. It's the evening session now~
My bros again, just how cute are they ?
Gosh, cuteness overloads~

They put photo of theirs on every table at the cocktail session.
"kids" gathering
Loving that photo that they took at the old parliament earlier on.
I thought it was a woman hand....
Turn out to be Ben's hand... *laughs*
Saw that cake ? It's real. Normally in weddings, couples chooses fake cakes as the real one is really expensive. Like there will be a fake cake and a whole for the couple to cut through. I always thought wedding cakes are real until one day, I accidentally saw the back of the cake. Turn me off straight away. So this time, I finally saw a real one. COOL!
The "menu"
Super cute, right ?
Our table was number 9, if I'm not wrong it's beside the main table.
Guess what's inside ?
Ta dah!
There's baby abalone, sea cucumber and some other expensive stuffs you can think off. Lol, I just can't remember.
A random pic of my plate during the dinner. I was too busy eating that I didn't manage to take photos of every dish.
THE CAKE, told'ya it's real stuff.
This is the main dessert they are serving, the cake was a bonus. LOL
Ending this sub with Ben's sleepy face, heeheee
So that's all for my cousin, Joanna wedding. The wedding banquet was at Grand Hyatt, 5stars hotel stated on their web CLEARLY. lol
On May, I attended another wedding of my cousin. Yep, my dad side too. Which I didn't brought a bag to the wedding banquet, so no picture taken.... But I manage to find two photos of the day.
This is super sweet :)
The souvenir ? The cutest one, I ever saw on wedding banquet.
This wedding banquet was at ONE°15 Marina, it's located at Sentosa. There's alot of yacht outside, love it alot alot alot.
I'm super lazy to get my dslr memory card, so I think I will skip my birthday. So next was my mum's birthday.
The birthday cake, I got it for mummy ;) Strawberry Shortcake~
Super nice wrapping right ? The bottom box was the birthday cake, and the small box on top were few slices of cookies and cream cheesecake. MY FAV (photo taken from my instagram: Magggdalene)
Yep, the cake is from bakerzin and I totally love bakerzin's cakes. (photo taken from my instagram: Magggdalene)
This is my baby cousin first month celebration cake, cuteness overloads again~ Tadrius (photo taken from my instagram: Magggdalene)
Cupcake given also~ (photo taken from my instagram: Magggdalene)
Another four designs~ (photo taken from my instagram: Magggdalene)
Shall end here! Posted so much. Lol. Will be posting up my lunch date with my bros next time ;)
Ending the post with my own pic, hehe.
"We survive going through reality. Like traffic lights"
I actually mean, sometimes when we doesn't want to face the reality it's red light. When things go well, it's green light. Yellow/orange light is the process of life.
P.S/ I'm a bad girl that is good.


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