Sunday, October 28, 2012

Miracle doesn't happen everytime

"Happiness, I will define it as miracle."
So yea, I decided to blog at this hour which everybody should be soundly asleep. I should too. Recently nothing much happen around, oh ya. One of my buddy birthday, I gave him the best present I ever gave for my whole life. Seriously. So let's not talk about that, not important nor interesting at all.
Why don't we talk about food ? I baked a cake recently, a rainbow cake. I bet you guys are thinking "A fail one, confirm." or maybe "Is it even edible ?" OF COURSE IT IS, just a little bit sweeter than expect. Back to this cake thing, my cousin got interested in this rainbow cake for quite some times already so do I. One of the famous blogger, kaykay shared the recipe of this rainbow cake. So I didn't come out with all the flavours of it, I just did what she wrote. Lol. I didn't expect that I would actually bake it successfully, since it's my first time baking a cake like this. Why don't I post some pictures of the cake baking process ?

(From my instagram: Magggdalene)
This two pictures are actually the same, is just that the second one the pics inside are all somewhat cropped. Yea, instagram problem again. Lol. If you guys are interested in this rainbow cake, do please visit her blog and look for the recipe. Btw, hers is six layers mine is seven layers. Ya, I very kay khang('act smart' or 'acting like a smarty')one. People do six then you do seven, very proud is it mag ? Hahaha! Actually the reason why I did seven, simply because we got leftover mixture so why not make a real rainbow ? Seven colours. I swear the colours between blue and purple is super hard to mix, and when done baking. I was like "we are so not going to put that colour into the actual cake." because I actually thinks it wouldn't look good. But it turns out, NOT BAD. Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, what an expert(being like a thick skin again, sigh mag) When the product was done, I was so satisfied that I bu she de(can't bare) to eat the cake. This cake was baked like a few days before my buddy's birthday, so he requested that I should make this for him. I rejected him on the spot. Like seriously, this will be like very unfair to my future boyfriend. Like how can I bake a cake for a buddy instead of my boyfriend first right ? So I really didn't make him the cake, actually the major reason was that IT'S LIKE FOREVER WAITING AND WAITING to make this cake. Every layer is 15mins, I got no time and even got also don't wanna waste it like that. Seriously, even if my boyfriend wants a  rainbow cake from me....... I have to think about it, maybe bargain with him..... like ask him "why not a simple chocolate cake ? Like those AwfullyChocolate cake ? Or maybe we just buy it from there ?" Lazy this word is gonna forever be with me, FOREVER. It's more tiring than shopping whole day. After I finished baking the cake, I totally have "I don't want to bake a cake anymore" thoughts. But after like awhile ? I wanted to try baking red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, I actually bought the essentials ingredients already. How excited ?
So I think, that's all for this post~ I think it's boring, really sorry! Will come up with a interesting one soon~ or maybe not so soon... Goodnight dears, signing off~

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