Friday, November 1, 2013


So yes, finally. Like finally. I'm posting up the long awaited taiwan trip post, or maybe you guys are not even waiting....

So let's start! Just photos and captions, not gonna be long-winded this time~ I don't really remember where I went each day over there, so I will just do captions and not state which day it is.

 Saw the super cute plane ? Kitty kitty, we took this plane there~

 We went to the theme park straight away!!
 Didn't ride the carousel...

Hehe, this was fun! Not as scary it seems.

Next is this place, but I'm not sure is it the same day so when I say next means another place ? Haha
 Look at the four chinese words, it's "我怕太太" but also "太太怕我". Which means "I'm afraid of my wife" but also "My wife is afraid of me". Quite fun right ? Haha
 This are all the old times stuffs ?
 If I'm not wrong, here used to be the cinema in old times.

And after lunch, we went to walk walk around the street.

 The note on ET stomach actually says, "ET's finger is gonna break soon!! Please don't touch it!!" Haha cute~
 My cute nephew with this hmm hmm creature ?
 Jovan again!!
 A crocodile hanging, it's probably statue. But it's really huge, like huge.



  I swear the lake is freaking clear, damn nice~

Seeing this, is like the happiest thing ever. Yes, I really did miss Mos Burger that much...

On cousin's hand~ Mine smudged before I could take a picture of it..


The smell of the place was.......... horrid

So the sheep decide to steal the paper bag from us too, haha


See, my little nephew showing you guys how smelly it is. Cute or what right ?

Baby pony~

I shall end here, there's still alot of pictures but I think its enough for this post. Will post up part 2 soon, and my super recent Melbourne trip. Ciao~

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