Monday, September 5, 2011

I need a lullaby...

"When I misses you, I don't know what can I do."

Hello, people who I know and people who I don't know~ Today, is seriously a tiring day. I feel like sleeping for the whole day and the worst part is I can't ! For those that doesn't know, I'm having N ! And that really freak my mood up..... and there's like a few things bad happened..... So I'm like worried but still have to study ;^ Today, I had Chinese Paper 1 and 2... Hope it will be fine, please be. I need to go up. Tomorrow will be Chinese listening and SS, gosh SS ? WTH ? What am I suppose to do ? I can't possible memorise all the essays right ? Gosh...... I'm like so down..... Need to go back to study after updating my bloody lousy post for today.

After the papers, Wen and me went to Mc'd to buy food~ It was seriously crowded so we takeaway and settle down somewhere near. Actually decided to study after finishing our lunch but we were really not in mood to.... So we played ! Like swings ? Hahahaha, kiddy kiddy. The worse part was the ice cream -.- Totally doesn't wanna talk about it. Stupid. Then around 4, we went back. AND AND AND, before taking the bus back. I went to toilet and I left my phone inside the cubicle ! I totally like rush back, super clumsy..... Lucky no one went to the toilet or I guess, I will just bang my head against the wall and die. Lol. Bus-ed back. Was totally tired, wanted to just rest but fall asleep. Like I woke up at 8 ? Then have dinner and now, here I am duplicating my day. I guess I should like head to bed and sleep for like 2 hours ? Then wake up ? To revise those essays...... N is really driving me crazy ! Should end here, duplicated~

A short phrase:
When you feel down, call me as I don't want others to have the chance to 趁人之危. When you are high, call me and I will fly to you. Because I doesn't want others to 趁人之危 and ask you that question that you always avoid. My last sentence, only I can 趁人之危.... Only me. Mr Brandon.L
                                                                      By Brandon.......Stupid..

It's like a kind of forming sentence using 趁人之危.... Lols.

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