Sunday, September 4, 2011

Just love me.

"Starting from bite sizes, that's how I try."

Hello people that readsy blog~ The reason why I'm not puting photos that I took myself, is because that I'm using a new com to post and there's like not even a single photo inside. Will now talk about what I wanna duplicate about today, since I went out. Today was a long day, instead of studying I WENT OUT ! Gosh, some how regretted.... I went to Suntec City, COMEX. Dad suggested afterall and I swear we was really lucky to get a parking lot in like 5 mins. He wanted to buy a new com, and here I am using it. So there's like 3 com in our house, 2 in the living room and 1 in my parent's room which I use it damn often. After it should be place in my room, but seriously out of space. Like the wardrobe is already big enough plus drawers for books, bed and all my unecessary stuffs that bought almost every single day. LOL ! Hahahahahaa. After COMEX, we went for dinner. Which was my favourite, PIG ORGANS SOUP ! But funny enough, I don't eat pig organs so every time I order was meatball soup. Which the soup doesn't taste the same as the pig organs soup's ones but I still like it damn much. Is an must try !!!!!!!! It's famous too~ They only sells pig organs soup for your information. Okay, I should stop here and I know this post is really boring but I'm really trying to keep up my duplicating bloggy~ Bye, have to head to bed now. GOODNIGHT !

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